Sunday, January 24, 2010

So am I still a conspiracy nut? I posted Obama trying to control internet question the other night?鈥?/a>

I was labeled as a conspiracy guy by people who love Obama. I do not like Bush patriot power not do I like the executive branch using Czars and emergency control to strip my constitutional powers as a US citizen.So am I still a conspiracy nut? I posted Obama trying to control internet question the other night?
How tragically hip.

The ANSWERS %26amp; opinions expressed by the hip Obama-supporters are our own best evidence of how badly as a society WE THE PEOPLE failed them.

I am NOT going to blast them this time as I generally would do. I am simply begging you all to step back and independently look at some history, current events %26amp; your federal government.

There is no ';conspiracy theory'; here whatsoever. Consider the facts.


I) For the last 96 years WE THE PEOPLE as a majority did not stay vigilant with what Congress %26amp; the POTUS were actually doing. Voting the un-populars out after the fact and new ones in was at best a ruse. Not that there was not some good legislation which occurred during this time. The Executive %26amp; Congressional branches of our government have gradually usurped power never granted them. Most now act with impunity and believe that they control us. WE THE PEOPLE became too trusting, not just in these elected leaders, but in our democratic voting process, which had %26amp; continues to be insidiously corrupted. Yet many continue to repeat the mistake that VOTING for the other team (whoever it happens to be) will make the difference (You hope).

Our involvement in our federal government was never supposed to have fallen away as we've allowed it.

II) Beginning with just the major daily newspapers and rolling right up with all major networks %26amp; the internet, the Main Stream Media in the USA %26amp; in other nations is currently owned by or is directed by a majority of interests from the Rothschild family legacy. They have acted in lock step with our corrupted politicians but in such a deceptive way that many have failed to realize the omissions of fact, scripted lies and bias. WE THE PEOPLE should have not accepted their delivery of the news as silently nodding ';yes-men'; as we have. It has cost us dearly. Again, we were too trusting.

III) This for me is the worst of it: The calculated misinformation presented to WE THE PEOPLE in our urban densely populated public schools gradually over the last 100 years. There is an irrefutable link to the Rockefeller Foundation which began in 1909 with what today is known as the U.S. Department of Education. What many of you don't know is that a child of the founder of that Foundation, Grand Daddy Rockefeller, became a Rothschild legacy through marriage. Both the Founder %26amp; the Child (children really) although confirmed capitalists are confirmed Fabian Socialists as well. They whole heartedly believe that the only way to preserve %26amp; increase their wealth %26amp; power is through a Fabian (i.e. very gradual) method of introduced oligarchic socialism %26amp; Marxism. It is this Foundation %26amp; its principals who have funded the corruption which we have allowed to happen in our schools - the misrepresentation of Marxism, Communism %26amp; Socialism, the dumbing-down of America in short from a cultural perspective as well.

The whole matrix of this greatest scam ever played upon a nation or society just seems too fantastic to be believed by many because, well for two reasons. As I've pointed out, these folks (we) have been brainwashed quite literally over a period of nearly 100 years. Secondly, many of these people still believe that fundamentally we can change things through the voting process.

What you all fail to realize is that all the majority of the voting has done, since 1964, has changed how much faster the USA will collapse into a New World Order, or by which means that match the political party in power closer to their supposed platform in order to keep the masses deceived from seeing the truth, such as in Bush's case we witnessed the artfully contrived 9/11, the Afghanistan %26amp; Iraq wars (which still profits the Rothschild international banking cartel in the trillions of dollars) and the economic collapse of 2008 where he spent your money to buy %26amp; bail-out failed financial institutions (sold to the masses as ';helping Americans)...if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck %26amp; looks like a duck, well gee whiz, then it must be a fascist/socialist/Marxist duck all in one!

Millions %26amp; millions of us are waking up to this %26amp; it still may be too late.

It's easier for many of the rest to accept the status quo of ';there really are some very serious domestic problems out there and Obama is trying to take care of it....';

You are merely playing into the deception which you've bought into since you were born. Sure many of those problems do exist, but they can be better addressed without hybrid socialism which will eventually cause you to surrender your remaining freedoms %26amp; liberties which you take for granted.




__So am I still a conspiracy nut? I posted Obama trying to control internet question the other night?
Cybersecurity Act of 2009 - Directs the President to establish or designate a Cybersecurity Advisory Panel to advise the President.

Defines ';cyber'; as:

(1) any process, program, or protocol relating to the use of the Internet or an intranet, automatic data processing or transmission, or telecommunication via the Internet or an intranet; and

(2) any matter relating to, or involving the use of, computers or computer networks...

Some of these people think if you say any thing about Obama that isn't a praise you are a racist, a right wing loon, a nazi and etc...

It is a conspiracy theory if it doesn't align with their partisan loon view point.



John Rockefeller D-WV


Sen. Evan Bayh [D, IN]

Sen. Bill Nelson [D, FL]

Sen. Olympia Snowe [R, ME]

It is these congressmen and not necessarily Obama. These people freak me out.
Yes. You're still a conspiracy nut. The government has too much to fix than worry about what online game someone is playing or who's trying to memorize Glenn Beck's latest online rant.

There are serious issues affecting America today. These non sequitirs are wasting everyone's time.
You're still a bit of a conspiracy nut. If you read the article you'd see that Obama has not endorsed the language of the bill.
You clearly don't understand the dangers of cyberspace dude. But hey if you want the USA to go through what Georgia did a couple of years ago...
Watch out! The Illuminati and the Leprechauns are going to take over the internet! Everyone put on your aluminum-foil skullcaps!
  • lip care
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